Title 24 Compliance

As California continues to rapidly move towards carbon neutrality, it has become increasingly important for developers to hire a competent Title 24 consultant as part of their project design team. Our integrative design process utilizing conceptual energy modeling in the early stages of project design helps our clients address solar requirements and design constraints early on to provide the most cost-effective solutions to meet California’s stringent T24 requirements.

Our experienced team of engineers and project managers collaborates with our solar, mechanical, and plumbing division teams to provide the most practical design solutions so that projects not only meet code requirements but also reduce redesign and change orders during construction. We have an integrative and turnkey process that will save you time and money!

Title 24 Consulting Services

Whether you are managing a commercial construction project or are renovating a home, your building must adhere to California’s energy standards. As such, we provide Title 24 consulting services for:

  • Multi-family properties
  • New commercial buildings
  • Renovated commercial buildings

Our Title 24 compliance reports examine alterations to existing buildings, HVAC systems, lighting, roofing, and more for residential and non-residential structures. Our Certified Energy Plans Examiners are certified in both residential and non-residential and are members of the California Association of Building Energy Consultants. We provide the detailed Title 24 Compliance Reports needed to receive building permits and to show compliance with Title 24 energy standards.

How Title 24 Consulting Works with US-EcoLogic

Title 24 compliance is mandatory, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a drawn-out process. We offer fully integrated solutions for Title 24 and sustainability consulting that accounts for all the requirements developers and home and building owners face in California, including CalGreen, above code certifications, code inspections, PV solar, and more. Here’s how Title 24 consulting works with us:

  • Contact us when you are either in the conceptual phase or if you already have a schematic design
  • We will then conduct a feasibility analysis and preliminary energy modeling for local energy code compliance based on Title 24, Part 6
  • Set appropriate guidelines and make modifications based on our energy analysis
  • Participate in team meetings to review findings and assist with project planning and design

If you want to make the switch to using solar energy, we will also provide Title 24 energy modeling with solar optimization, along with assistance with finding financing options and installation.

Our US-EcoLogic partners have a vested interest in assuring you meet your sustainability and energy code requirements using the most pragmatic and cost-effective methods to ensure your project’s success. We create project solutions based on your unique needs, and our goal is to minimize plan changes, redesigns, and change orders, which will help your project finish on time at no additional cost.

US-EcoLogic, a Trusted Title 24 Consultant

Homebuilders and owners and commercial building owners throughout California have trusted US-EcoLogic with their Title 24 compliance needs. Our portfolio includes properties like The Dinerstein Company’s Sterling Fifth Street in Davis. Built in 2020, Multi-Housing News named it among the Top 5 LEED Platinum Projects in California. The complex utilizes multi-level parking with preferred spots for fuel-efficient vehicles, water conservation via low-flow fixtures and drought-resistant landscaping, and Energy Star windows and kitchen appliances that reduce energy consumption by 30 percent.

Why Choose US-EcoLogic?

US-EcoLogic provides consulting and specialty contracting services in new and existing buildings, and our team has more than 40 years of experience working on efficient and eco-friendly solutions. Fully employee owned, we have provided Title 24 consulting and other green-building services in California for over 10 years. We understand the practical realities of what is real and cost-effective thanks to our background as an HVAC contractor and our established history as HERS Rater and Provider demonstrates our ability to identify energy efficiency improvements.

Looking to get Title 24 certificate of compliance for your building or home? Talk to an expert or give us a call.

Title 24 FAQs

What is Title 24?

Adopted in 1978, Title 24 is the California Building Standards Commission’s building and construction requirements designed to “reduce wasteful and unnecessary energy consumption in newly constructed and existing buildings,” according to the California Energy Commission. This includes standards for indoor air quality and energy and water efficiency, with the 2019 update mandating improvements to attics, lighting, walls, and water heating for residences and compliance with the ASHRAE 90.1 2017 national standard for nonresidential structures. These requirements apply to new constructions or any new additions to existing structures.

Statewide Title 24 requirements are updated every three years and compliance is mandatory. Additionally, local city and county governments can adopt and enforce their own energy standards with approval by the California Energy Commission. With state and local requirements to consider, you need to work with a qualified local partner to ensure your construction projects are Title 24 compliant.

When is a Title 24 Compliance Report Required?

Title 24 Compliance Report is needed for all new homes and buildings and existing structures that are being renovated or improved. You’ll need a compliance report before you can obtain a building permit according to the California Building Standards Code.

When are the Title 24 Standards Updated?

Title 24 requirements are updated every three years, with the last update coming in 2019.

Can I do my own Title 24 compliance?

While there are tools out there that allow you to do your own Title 24 certification, we recommend that you work with a professional who has in-depth knowledge of the state law and energy requirements. This is particularly true for commercial or multifamily developments, as our integrated approach means we can work with your architects to ensure compliance from the beginning of the process.

How much does Title 24 consulting cost?

Can Range from $10K to over $25K.

What documents do I need to provide?

Schematics/Conceptual Plans